Jedsada Srijunpoe

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Arduino Programming Problems

Problems 1)

LED changing pattern: A

LED changing pattern A


#if defined(ESP32)
const int LED_PINS[] = {23,22,32,33,25,26,27,14,12,13};
const int LED_PINS[] = {2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11};

const int NUM_LEDS = sizeof(LED_PINS)/sizeof(int);

void setup() {
  for ( int i=0; i < NUM_LEDS; i++ ) {
    // set the direction of the i-th LED pin
    pinMode( LED_PINS[i], OUTPUT ); 
    // turn on the first LED (i=0) and the rest off. 
    digitalWrite( LED_PINS[i], (i==0) ? HIGH : LOW );

void loop() {
  for ( int i=0; i < NUM_LEDS; i++) {
    //turn on the i LED for 500 ms then turn off
    digitalWrite( LED_PINS[i], HIGH);
    digitalWrite( LED_PINS[i], LOW);

In this code, we have defined GPIO pins for Arduino Nano and ESP32 DevKit V1 by using LED_PINS array

If it’s ESP32 DevKit V1, we would use these pins

const int LED_PINS[] = {23,22,32,33,25,26,27,14,12,13};

If it’s Arduino Nano, we would use these pins

const int LED_PINS[] = {2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11};

I use ESP32 Devkit V1 for this pattern

Circuit LED pattern A
wokwi pattern A
Wokwi Simulator for this pattern:

LED changing pattern: B

LED changing pattern B


#if defined(ESP32)
const int LED_PINS[] = {23,22,32,33,25,26,27,14,12,13};
const int LED_PINS[] = {2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11};

const int NUM_LEDS = sizeof(LED_PINS)/sizeof(int);

void setup() {
  for ( int i=0; i < NUM_LEDS; i++ ) {
    // set the direction of the i-th LED pin
    pinMode( LED_PINS[i], OUTPUT ); 
    // turn on the first LED (i=0) and the rest off. 
    digitalWrite( LED_PINS[i], (i==0) ? HIGH : LOW );

void loop() {
  for ( int i=0; i < NUM_LEDS; i++) {
    // turn on the LEDs one by one with a time delay,
    // starting at index=0 until all LEDs are ON.
    digitalWrite( LED_PINS[i], HIGH);
  for ( int j=0; j < NUM_LEDS; j++) {
    // turn off the LEDs one by one starting at index=n-1,
    // where n is the total number of LEDs, until all LEDs are OFF
    digitalWrite(LED_PINS[NUM_LEDS-1-j], LOW);

In this pattern, I use Arduino Nano.
Circuit LED pattern B
wokwi pattern B
Wokwi Simulator for this pattern:

LED changing pattern: C

LED changing pattern C

In this pattern, we need to use the duty cycle of the PWM signal.
We can control the duty cycle of the PWM signal by using LEDC API for ESP32.


const int LED_PINS[] = {5,18,19,21};
const int NUM_LEDS   = sizeof(LED_PINS)/sizeof(int);

#define OFF (HIGH) // active-low LED

void setup() {
  for ( int i=0; i < NUM_LEDS; i++ ) {
    // set the direction of the i-th LED pin
    pinMode( LED_PINS[i], OUTPUT ); 
    digitalWrite( LED_PINS[i], OFF );

const int PWM_RESOLUTION = 8;
const int PWM_FREQ = 1000;
const int DUTY_MAX = (1 << PWM_RESOLUTION);

void loop() {
  // turn on LEDs one by one by increasing the duty cycle of the PWM
  for ( int i=0; i < NUM_LEDS; i++ ) {
      ledcSetup( i /*channel*/, PWM_FREQ, PWM_RESOLUTION );
      ledcAttachPin( LED_PINS[i] /*pin*/, i /*channel*/ );
      for ( int x=0; x <= DUTY_MAX; x++ ) {
         ledcWrite( i, DUTY_MAX-x );
  // turn off LEDs one by one by decreasing the duty cycle of the PWM
  for ( int i=0; i < NUM_LEDS; i++ ) {
      ledcSetup( i /*channel*/, PWM_FREQ, PWM_RESOLUTION );
      ledcAttachPin( LED_PINS[i] /*pin*/, i /*channel*/ );
      for ( int x=0; x <= DUTY_MAX; x++ ) {
         ledcWrite( i, x );
      ledcDetachPin( LED_PINS[i] ); 
      digitalWrite( LED_PINS[i], OFF );

Circuit LED pattern C
wokwi pattern C
Wokwi Simulator for this pattern:

LED changing pattern: D

LED changing pattern D


const int LED_PINS[] = {21, 19, 18, 5, 4, 2, 15, 22};
const int NUM_LEDS   = sizeof(LED_PINS) / sizeof(int);

#define OFF (HIGH) // active-low LED

void setup() {
  for ( int i = 0; i < NUM_LEDS; i++ ) {
    // set the direction of the i-th LED pin
    pinMode( LED_PINS[i], OUTPUT );
    digitalWrite( LED_PINS[i], OFF );

const int PWM_RESOLUTION = 8;
const int PWM_FREQ = 1000;
const int DUTY_MAX = (1 << PWM_RESOLUTION);
// duty cycles 10%, 25%, 50%, 100%
const float DUTY_CYCLES[] = {0.1,0.25,0.5,1};

void loop() {
  // starting at index=0, and move the positions of ON LEDs to the left by one
  for ( int i=0; i < NUM_LEDS; i++) {
    // turn on 4 LEDs, each with different duty cycles
    for ( int j=0; j < 4; j++) {
      ledcSetup( j, PWM_FREQ, PWM_RESOLUTION );
      ledcAttachPin( LED_PINS[(i+j)%NUM_LEDS], j );
      ledcWrite( j, (1 - DUTY_CYCLES[j])*DUTY_MAX );
    // turn off the 4 LEDs
    for ( int j=0; j < 4; j++) {
      ledcDetachPin( LED_PINS[(i+j)%NUM_LEDS] );
      digitalWrite( LED_PINS[(i+j)%NUM_LEDS], OFF );

Circuit LED pattern D
wokwi pattern D
Wokwi Simulator for this pattern:

Problems 2)

Reimplement LED changing patterns A and B using the Pin C++ class.
Generally the C++ class are split into two files.

  1. The declaration, referred to as the header file. Pin.h will indicate that the file declared the class Pin. Declaration is the process of defining what the class should do.
  2. The implementation, referred to as the source file. Pin.cpp indicates that the file implement the declared functions and variables from “Pin.h”. Implementation is the process of writing the code, that determines how the declared functions are imlemented.

Pin.h file:

#ifndef PIN_H
#define PIN_H

#include <Arduino.h>

// This is a C++ class for an Arduino digital pin
class Pin {
     enum class Direction { OUT=0, IN=1, IN_PULLUP=2 };
     // a class constructor with parameters
     Pin( int8_t pin, Direction dir=Direction::IN, bool init_value=false );
     // read the input pin
     bool read( bool force_update=true ); 
     // write the output pin
     void write( bool value, bool force_update=true );
     // toggle the output pin
     void toggle( bool force_update=true ) ;
     // assign a new value to the output pin
     void operator=(bool value);
     // set the direction of the pin
     void setDirection( Direction dir, bool init_value=false );
     // inline methods
     inline operator bool()           { return _value; }
     inline int8_t getPin()           { return _pin;   }
     inline bool   getValue()         { return _value; }
     inline Direction getDirection()  { return _dir;   }
     // the class destructor
     ~Pin() {} 

     // initialize the GPIO pin
     void init( int8_t pin, Direction dir, bool init_value );
     // update the logic state of the GPIO pin 
     void update();
     int8_t     _pin;   // the GPIO pin number
     bool       _value; // the value of pin
     Direction  _dir;   // the direction of pin


Pin.cpp file:

#include "Pin.h"

// Class implementation for Pin.h

Pin::Pin( int8_t pin, Direction dir, bool init_value ) {
  init( pin, dir, init_value );

bool Pin::read( bool force_update ) {
  if (force_update) { update(); }
  return _value;

void Pin::write( bool value, bool force_update ) {
  _value = value;
  if (force_update) { update(); }

void Pin::toggle( bool force_update ) {
  if ( _dir == Direction::OUT ) {
     _value = !_value;
  if (force_update) {
void Pin::operator=(bool value) {
  write( value );

void Pin::setDirection( Direction dir, bool init_value ) {
  init( _pin, dir, init_value );

void Pin::init( int8_t pin, Direction dir, bool init_value ) {
  _pin   = pin;
  _dir   = dir;
  _value = init_value;
  if ( _dir == Direction::OUT ) { 
    pinMode( _pin, OUTPUT );
  else if ( _dir == Direction::IN ) {
    pinMode( _pin, INPUT );
  else if ( _dir == Direction::IN_PULLUP ) {
    pinMode( _pin, INPUT_PULLUP );

void Pin::update() {
  if ( _dir == Direction::OUT ) { 
    digitalWrite( _pin, _value ? true : false ) ;
    //Serial.printf( "Debug> write output: %d on pin %d\n", _value, _pin );
  else {
    _value = digitalRead( _pin ) ? true : false;
    //Serial.printf( "Debug> read input: %d on pin %d\n", _value, _pin );


LED changing pattern: A


#include "Pin.h"

#define DEFAULT_PIN   (22) // (onboard LED)
#define OFF           (0)
#define ON            (1)
#define DELAY_MS      (200)

// function prototypes
void blink(int);

int LED_PINS[] = {23, 22, 32, 33, 25, 26, 27, 14, 12, 13};
int num_pins = sizeof(LED_PINS) / sizeof(int);

void setup() {

void loop() {
  for ( int i = 0; i < num_pins; i++ ) {

void blink( int led_pin = DEFAULT_PIN ) {
  Pin pin(led_pin, Pin::Direction::OUT, OFF);
  pin = ON;
  pin = OFF;

wokwi led cpp class a
Wokwi Simulator for this pattern:

LED changing pattern: B


#include "Pin.h"

#define DEFAULT_PIN   (22) // (onboard LED)
#define OFF           (0)
#define ON            (1)
#define DELAY_MS      (100)

// function prototypes
void turn_led_on(int);
void turn_led_off(int);

int LED_PINS[] = {23, 22, 32, 33, 25, 26, 27, 14, 12, 13};
int num_pins = sizeof(LED_PINS) / sizeof(int);

void setup() {

void loop() {
  for ( int i = 0; i < num_pins; i++ ) {
  for ( int i = 0; i < num_pins; i++ ) {

void turn_led_on( int led_pin = DEFAULT_PIN ) {
  Pin pin(led_pin, Pin::Direction::OUT, ON);

void turn_led_off( int led_pin = DEFAULT_PIN ) {
  Pin pin(led_pin, Pin::Direction::OUT, OFF);

wokwi led cpp class b
Wokwi Simulator for this pattern: